Sorry bothering you, i was just looking for a blog´s friend and mistakenly stopped here! Nice text yours! Well, I´m from Brazil and couldn´t understand a word in here... is that Finnish? I don´t believe in pure coincidence, so, if you like I would enjoy to talk to someone from the other part of the world! If you´re really Finnish,as I think, maybe you know THE RASMUS and NIGHTWISH (old times), they´re the only bands i know from Finland! my email:
Olen tehnyt tutkimusta vuodesta 1997 eteläpohjalaisista sukujuuristani ja esivanhemmistani. Tällä sivulla pidän eräänlaista työpäiväkirjaa erilaisista tutkimukseen liittyvistä kysymyksistä, jutuista ja kaikista niistä tiedonjyväsistä, joita tutkiessa tulee vastaan.
Saa kommentoida!
1 kommenttia:
Sorry bothering you, i was just looking for a blog´s friend and mistakenly stopped here! Nice text yours! Well, I´m from Brazil and couldn´t understand a word in here... is that Finnish?
I don´t believe in pure coincidence, so, if you like I would enjoy to talk to someone from the other part of the world! If you´re really Finnish,as I think, maybe you know THE RASMUS and NIGHTWISH (old times), they´re the only bands i know from Finland!
my email:
um abraço e boas festas!
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